Village of Rossport

Local Services Board

Box 62, Rossport, P0T 2R0 e-mail:


Rossport runs on volunteers, from the people who sit on the Local Service Board or the Roads Board, to the people who work on a water leak or help keep the park clean.

We are not a municipality, so we do not have many of the bylaws that might be in place elsewhere.  Because of this, it is very important that we function as a collective, the village of Rossport”, not as a bunch of individuals.  Everything that happens, from getting a grant for hall renovations, to fixing a water leak, happens because individual community members come together as a collective for the benefit of Rossport.   Please volunteer and help out in whatever way you can to make our community alive and inviting.

In a community without by-laws it is important for each of us to remember how our actions or lack of actions might impact other community members.   With more children and pets in the community we ask that everyone does their part in keeping our community safe and clean.

The LSB Powers include:


-Running and maintaining the water treatment plant is where the vast majority of our money is spent.

-Maintaining the water delivery system: this is our greatest future challenge due to the age of the system and the geology of Rossport.

911 Emergency contact: The LSB pays for the provision of this service.


As you are aware, our volunteer fire department was dissolved several years ago due to a lack of members and other concerns.   Presently we have an agreement with Schreiber FD to provide service in case of emergencies  As any assistance would come down the highway from Schreiber be as aware and proactive with your fire safety as possible.


-Rossport Community Hall: the LSB pays for insurance, heating, and ongoing maintenance. We are in the process of applying for a grant to do a major renovation. Lynn McGrath is our hall guardian.

-Wardrope Park: most of the present infrastructure at the park was given to us by the Trans Canada Trail; most of the use of the park is by travelers  We are in the process of obtaining grants and making it possible to collect donations to help maintain the park.

LSB Funding

-your service fees are used to fund a portion of the work the LSB does

-the balance comes from an annual grant from the Ministry of Northern Development and Mines

-the LSB gets an annual grant to run the water treatment plant from the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs

-the funding we receive helps to maintain what we presently do.  The LSB strives to cut unnecessary costs and improve efficiencies, if the LSB takes on anything new or unexpected the rates would increase.  The tax rate cannot be increased without calling a public meeting.

Popular misconceptions:

The LSB does not own the dock (we do own the building down by the dock)

The LSB does not have the power to pass bylaws that direct residents to control their pets, or any activities they choose to engage in on their own property.  If you have an issue please speak politely to the people involved.  Beyond that anyone with concerns that are warranted is free to contact the OPP, Humane Society, the Ministry of the Environment, etc.

Remember: roads are under the jurisdiction of the local roads board that recently sent out an informational notice