Budget Meeting
Sunday, November 17, 2024
11:00 A.M.
Community Hall
For information on renting the Community Hall please contact:
Vanesha Papayah
Monday, July 1st 2024
Celebration at the Rossport Community park (see poster for times)
Fireworks at dusk weather permitting. May be postoned if it rains.
Policy/Procedure # 3 Date of By-Law:
By-Law # 21-22-23 June 24, 2023
Subject: Water Connections
Water Connections
Requirements to Connect to Local Services Board Water System
NOTE: All connections are dependent upon the capacity of the water system to meet water demand at the time of connection.
- The property owner is responsible for trench and installation of their own ¾”water line from their residence to the Local Services Board (LSB) 4”main line .
- The property owner must use LSB supplied tap clamp (1) and (2) service/main valves ( one at tap clamp and one at residence termination).
- This ¾”water line must be heat traced and operated from Nov 31st to May 15th. If you opt for an external heat trace, we recommend a protective casing of some sort should it fail in the future as you might be able to fish a new heat trace through without digging up your line.
- Only one connection to the LSB main line per residence is permitted. i.e., one ¾’ line to one residence. No connections permitted to another residence, trailer, dwelling, out building etc. regardless of seasonal use or not.
- At mutually agreeable time, the property owner shall install the hook-up to the mainline according to the standards acceptable to the LSB and shall be liable to the LSB for the damages to the mainline water supply due to a resident’s negligence in the installation. LSB expertise and manpower MAY be available to help with this installation.
- It is a condition of connection to the LSB main line that the residential line has an operable heat trace. If you have a heat trace failure the LSB discourages running of water at a residence to prevent freezing. If your heat trace doesn’t work (and your water freezes), please repair, or replace. The LSB will make every attempt to temporarily accommodate residents who need to run water to prevent freezing.
- In a situation where the village water plant can not meet village water demands due to a water line leak(s) then any residents who run water to prevent freezing will be required to turn that water off, or have their water disconnected by the LSB.
- In a situation where a catastrophic leak occurs, the affected section of main line will be isolated and shut off until it can be repaired. It is everyone’s best interest to minimize water use.
- The LSB reserves the right disconnect the property owner’s system from
the mainline water supply at the expense of the owner in the event of the
owner failing to properly maintain and repair their residential line.
- The LSB shall be in no way liable for damages to the property owner’s
system by reason of a break in the mainline or any damages to property, or
caused by extreme weather conditions and without limiting the foregoing,
or any damages caused by freezing, flooding, or fluctuations in water
- The agreement may be terminated by either the LSB or property owner upon providing the other party with 30 days (thirty) notice in writing of
their intention to terminate the agreement.
- The LSB reserves the right to shut down the water supply for repairs and
assumes NO LIABILITY for the interruption of service which may occur.
- The property owner agrees to pay any prorated amounts owing on the current fiscal year i.e., October 1st to September 30th and be added to the following fiscal year water service fees collected by the Thunder Bay Provincial Land Tax Office.
If you have had a change to your mailing address or phone number please send the changes to rossportlsb@gmail.com and we will update your contact information.
Please note: You have to contact the Provincial Land Tax office in Thunder Bay to make any name or address changes. This can be done on-line.
end of RVFD 2021
As you are aware, our volunteer fire department was dissolved several years ago due to a lack of members and other concerns. Presently we have an agreement with the Schreiber Fire Department to provide service in case of emergencies As any assistance would come down the highway from Schreiber be as aware and proactive with your fire safety as possible.